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Oxford MBA Essays for 2019-2020

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Oxford MBA essaysThe Said Business School at Oxford University is now accepting applications for the MBA Class of 2020-2021. This application cycle, the Oxford MBA essays have been pared down, compared to last season.

Oxford MBA Essays for 2019-2020

As part of your application, you will need to submit a supporting statement.

Tell us something that is not covered in your application which you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you. (Maximum 250 words)

If you are applying under the Oxford 1+1 MBA scheme you also need to submit the following essay:

 Explain why you see this as particularly beneficial for you and how it fits with your career and personal development aims. (Maximum 250 words)

Re-applicants will need to submit an additional essay as below:

What improvements have you made in your candidacy since you last applied to the Oxford MBA? (Maximum 250 words)

When reviewing your essays, the admissions committee will be looking for evidence of the following: good communication skills, leadership potential, analytical skills, fit with the Oxford MBA community, among other characteristics.


For more information on applying, please visit the Oxford MBA admissions website. If you need guidance on your Oxford MBA essays or application, or wish to discuss your MBA plans, reach out for a complimentary analysis of your candidacy. We’re here to help!

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