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Tuesday Tips: UNC MBA Application Tips for 2019-2020

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UNC MBA application UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School offers a flexible program with multiple ways to earn an MBA. The UNC MBA application essay questions focus on learning more about you. With a world-class university offering resources beyond the MBA program, the UNC MBA touts a strong career focus, with a dedicated team to design a personalized career plan for you.

In addition, there is a global focus and several global immersion opportunities with each program at Kenan-Flagler. Also, students love the environment in Chapel Hill, a beautiful college town. Further, they enjoy the friendly and welcoming atmosphere at UNC’s MBA program.

For assistance with your UNC MBA application, contact Stacy Blackman Consulting today. And to learn more about the Kenan-Flagler UNC MBA program, visit the school website.


Please respond to the questions below that will assist us in learning more about you (500 words):
• Tell us what your immediate career goals are and how you will benefit personally and professionally from earning an MBA at Kenan-Flagler Business School.
• As the business world continues to evolve, circumstances can change and guide you in a different direction. Should your goals that you provided above not transpire, what other opportunities would you explore?

The main required question of this UNC MBA application asks a basic career goals question and also for a “Plan B.”

In the first part of the essay question focus is on the short term. And, asking for a very clear link between your immediate career goals and your MBA. This is because of UNC MBA’s focus on the perspective of recruiters and your career advancement. Therefore, focus on the short term helps the admissions committee understand if you are realistic about your career goals.

In addition, this question helps to explain why a UNC MBA will benefit you both personally and professionally. School research will help you to answer this question. Make sure to include specific details about classes, professors and clubs you are interested in.

Beyond your own growth, think about the contribution you will make to the UNC MBA community. As you answer this UNC MBA application essay, first think about clubs or activities you will join. Second, how will you enhance the experience of other students?

Finally, because everyone’s life takes twists and turns that may not have been planned, this UNC MBA application also asks about Plan B. For instance, if you want to work in consulting, but you aren’t able to land a job at the firm you prefer, you could pursue a role as in-house strategy in your target long-term industry.

Above all, make sure that you have career goals that require an MBA and that you can cite specific classes, professors and programs that will help you achieve your goals. Specific examples will enhance your UNC MBA application.

UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School essay questions


Please select one topic below and respond to the prompt. (250 words)
• Topic 1: What is one thing that we do not know about you that you want us to know?
• Topic 2: Provide us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? Did you achieve the results you were looking for?
• Topic 3: Tell us about a time when you felt or witnessed someone being marginalized. How did you feel? What did you take away from the experience and how has it encouraged you to be an inclusive leader?

Most of the choices in this UNC MBA application essay question are behavioral essay questions. Therefore, the answers will give the admissions committee a sense of how you think and behave. Begin by choosing what you need to tell the admissions committee to round out your UNC MBA application. Then, chose the appropriate essay question to fit your topic.

For example, if you have not shown that you can be empathetic and that you value diversity, you may want to use the third essay option. It can show your commitment to putting yourself in others’ shoes and building a diverse team. Consider what you value about diverse experiences and viewpoints and describe that commitment.

Or, if you have a standard MBA work background like consulting or finance, you may want to choose option two. Consequently, that would allow you to describe a creative approach you took to a problem or relationship. Finally, consider how you have negotiated office politics or projects, as that could be a great example.

The first topic option is entirely open-ended, and allows you to fill any gaps in your UNC MBA application you may have. Whatever option you choose, make sure you are specific about how you felt, what was said, the actions you took and the results of those actions.


Is there any additional information not presented elsewhere in your application that you would like the admissions committee to consider? (Optional, 150 words)

Optional areas to address include:

  • If you have not had coursework in the core business subjects (calculus, microeconomics, statistics, financial accounting), how will you prepare yourself?
  •  Inconsistent academics, gaps in work, or low standardized test scores
  • Choice of recommenders

This UNC MBA application essay question has suggested a few areas you could address in this essay. First, think about any gaps in preparation that your application data might show. Then, consider if you have other experience to highlight.

For example, if you do not have the requisite coursework listed, you may have gained training through work on the same topics. Finally, if you do not have the preparation through work or courses, it may be worth registering for continuing education classes.

In addition, lower-than-average test scores or grades below a C in undergraduate can be explained in a similar way. Therefore, describe what you have done that shows you are prepared for a full-time MBA program.

Furthermore, gaps in work can be concerning to many applicants. But, taking time to travel, spending time with family, or changing careers are all good reasons for a gap. And, if you were laid off or your company had challenges, it’s an opportunity to describe how you handle adversity.

Recommenders other than a current or former supervisor should be explained as well. Ideally, your recommender can speak to your abilities and achievements. As a result, they might add a different perspective than the other recommenders.

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