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3 Rules for Getting the Most Out of an MBA Fair (Plus, Upcoming MBA Fair Dates) 0


You’ve just booked your first MBA fair – now what? What can you do now to ensure that you’re prepared for the big day? What are some things you can do at the fair to help you get the most out of the event? And lastly, what should you do AFTER the fair to further help your cause?

Don’t go to your next MBA fair without first reading these important rules:

Rule #1: You must research, research, research.

Research the programs that you’re interested in hearing more from at the event. Be sure not just to browse through the material, but to research the programs relative to what they can offer you based on your specific post-MBA career goals. When you’re at the event asking questions, you’ll look foolish asking basic questions whose answers appear on the program’s homepage. Direct, specific questions about how the school will help you fulfill your goals make a great first impression on school reps.

Rule #2: You must dress and act professionally.

Don’t be too casual in dress or in attitude, or school representatives may assume that you’re not serious about your future business education and future career. These schools are looking for sincere, thoughtful candidates. Also, keep in mind that people generally act differently depending on what they’re wearing – dress casually and you’ll act casually; dress professionally and most likely it’ll professionalize your attitude and demeanor.

Rule #3: You must make personal contact with the reps AND follow up.

You attend an MBA fair to learn about the various programs and to meet representatives, but also to make a good impression. Make sure the reps remember you by a) acting courteous and asking interesting questions, and b) following up with the representatives. Appropriate follow up actions include sending an email in which you identify which event you met at, reminding the rep of your goals and some of the key conversation points you discussed, and attaching a resume (you can send a resume even if you handed the rep a resume at the fair). Inappropriate follow up moves include calling the rep directly or acting aggressively in any way. Remember, you’re trying to make a good impression – no harassing or stalking please! The reps note who follows up and how they do so.

Keep these best practices in mind so you can make the most of your next MBA fair!

NEWSFLASH! The MBA Tour will be hitting seven major cities in the US/Canada this winter!

Toronto: Monday, January 29

New York City: Saturday, February 3

Boston: Tuesday, February 6

Washington, DC: Thursday, February 8

Los Angeles: Saturday, February 10

San Francisco: Sunday, February 11

Register for free online now at

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Related Resources:

Navigate the MBA Application Maze, a free guide
Top 10 or Bust: Dispelling Two MBA Myths
Are You Targeting the Right MBA Program for You?

 This article originally appeared on

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