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GMAT Question of the Day (January 19)

Jeff 0


What is the area of the region enclosed by lines y=x, x=-y, and the upper crescent of the circle y^2+x^2=4 ?

A. \frac{\pi}{4}
B. \frac{\pi}{2}
C. \frac{3\pi}{4}
D. \pi
E. 4\pi


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Math Revolution


In 1923, the Supreme Court declared a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia as unconstitutional, and ruling that it was a form of price-fixing and, as such, an abridgment of the right of contract.

(A) the Supreme Court declared a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia as unconstitutional, and

(B) the Supreme Court declared as unconstitutional a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia, and

(C) the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia,

(D) a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court,

(E) when the Supreme Court declared a minimum wage for women and children in the District of Columbia as unconstitutional,

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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