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BusinessWeek EMBA and Part Time MBA Rankings 0

BusinessWeek has published its biannual rankings of EMBA programs. The top five EMBA programs are:

  1. Kellogg
  2. Chicago Booth
  3. Wharton
  4. Columbia
  5. USC Marshall

BusinessWeek also published its part-time MBA program rankings and its rankings of executive education programs. Its methodology in all three cases focuses on "end-user satisfaction."

The articles and videos accompanying the rankings are recommended if you are considering an EMBA or part-time MBA program. Like everything and everyone else, these programs were hit hard by the Great Recession.

A few highlights from the lead article:

  • EMBA student satisfaction has plummeted as students increasingly foot the bill and expect career placement services commensurate with those offered their full-time MBA colleagues.
  • Of the 83 EMBA programs suveyed, only the University of Texas at Austin's McCombs School of Business boosted student satisfaction since the last survey.
  • "Nearly half of all EMBA programs and part-time programs" reported a decline in application volume in 2009.
  • 80% of participating part-time programs experienced a decline in student satisfaction.

By Linda Abraham, founder and president of