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Posts published in “GMAT Prep”

Posts about GMAT preparation

Manhattan GMAT Releases New Books in Quant and Verbal

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Manhattan GMAT is readying two new strategy supplements to expand their existing catalog of prep materials: Foundations of GMAT Verbal and Advanced GMAT Quant. Inspired by the success of Manhattan…

Kaplan: The Keys to Bolded Statement Questions on the GMAT

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Bolded statement questions require a very different approach from all other critical reasoning problems on the GMAT.  Rather than attempting to find the assumption in the stimulus, or looking to…

Kaplan GMAT Sample Problem: Prime Factors

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Good luck on this Challenge Problem involving Prime Factors! Remember, there’s probably a reason that the questions are written the way that they are… Problem: If a = 105 and…

Kaplan GMAT Sample Problem: Data Sufficiency Combinations

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Sometimes the challenge of specific GMAT problems is that they combine a higher-level concept such as Combinations, with a Data Sufficiency question, with some algebra thrown in as well.  But…

Kaplan GMAT Challenge Problem: Combined Work

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Work problems are definitely not as common on the GMAT as, say, solving simultaneous equations might be; but many test-takers are wary of these problems since they are not as…

Kaplan: GMAT Mixture problems

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Two types of mixture problems often appear on the GMAT.  Because  these types of problems fall into two very specific categories, we can simply learn the correct strategy for each,…

Kaplan: The Fundamentals of GMAT Sentence Correction

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Because the GMAT is a standardized test, understanding the structure of certain questions types can give you an advantage on test day.  Specifically, by understanding how the test maker is…