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Posts by Accepted MBA Admission Consulting, a GMAT Club Partner

Top MBA Program Average GMAT and GRE Scores [Infographic] 0

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Top 10 or Bust: Dispelling Two MBA Myths 0

Here are two comments that I get all the time from applicants – two related MBA myths that absolutely require busting: Myth #1: Once you attend an MBA program outside…

An Electrical Engineer from Ghana Makes His Way to Yale SOM 0

This interview is the latest in an Accepted blog series featuring interviews with business students, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at top programs. And now, introducing Ernest Kojo Mills… Accepted: We'd like to…

How to Clarify Your Goals for Your MBA – And Beyond 0

“How to Clarify Your Goals for Your MBA – And Beyond” is excerpted from MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools, by Linda Abraham and…

Choosing a Theme for Your Statement of Purpose 0

In our How to Write Exemplary Application Essays blog series, you’ll learn how to create outstanding essays by analyzing sample successful application essays. All effective essays have a distinctive voice and theme.…