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Posts by Accepted MBA Admission Consulting, a GMAT Club Partner

Ask Away at Your Admissions Interview! 0

An interview works in two directions: The interviewer asks you questions to see if you’d be a good fit for the school in question, and you ask the interviewer questions…

Mapping out Your MBA Prep — Post-grad + 1 0

”Wish I had done that a few years ago ....” We hear that frequently from MBA applicants as they’re filling out their MBA applications. We don’t want you to have to…

The Expanded Executive MBA Profile 0

This is the first post in our Ace the EMBA series on how to apply successfully to a top executive MBA program. Get need-to-know EMBA basics down with these important…

When & Why to Pass on a B-School Acceptance Offer 0

Scenario: You get accepted to an excellent MBA program. You’re happy…but…you can’t help thinking that maybe you could’ve done “better.” Should you turn down your acceptance (whether it’s an early…

Mapping out Your MBA Prep — The College Years 0

"Wish I had done that a few years ago ...." We hear that frequently from MBA applicants as they’re filling out their MBA applications. We don’t want you to have to…

Magoosh’s Free Practice Questions for the TOEFL 0

Are you preparing for the TOEFL? If so, you know how important it is to practice questions that are similar to those you’ll see on the actual exam. But, it…

In-State vs. Out-of-State Tuitions at Top MBA Programs 0

B-school's not cheap. We all know that. And we all know that staying in-state and attending a public university close to home can save you money…but how much? Should you…

The GMAT and EMBA Programs 0

With full time MBA programs, it is fairly obvious why the GMAT is such an important component to one’s application – with less work experience, admissions committees need to find…

Good News for MBA, MAcc & MiM Grads 0

GMAC's Year-End Poll of Employers shows positive hiring outcomes from 2015 and strong employer demand for graduate business students worldwide in 2016. This study includes survey responses from 179 recruiters…