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Posts published in “Admission Consultants”

Posts by MBA admission experts

The Goals Essay: Writing Nitty-Gritty 0

Short- and long-term goals Before you start drafting your MBA goals essays, work out three levels of goals: short-term, intermediate, and long-term. It helps to have this whole picture in…

Stanford GSB Creates New MBA Fellowship

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As part of its mission to educate business leaders to solve society’s most pressing problems, the Stanford Graduate School of Business announced it has established a fellowship to provide financial support for…

New Ranking Shows Top Choice B-Schools for 2016 Applicants

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Ready4, a Boston-area company that creates test prep apps, has unveiled its second annual rankings of the most desired business schools around the globe. Unlike traditional business school rankings that are based…

Stop Comparing Yourself to Other MBA Applicants

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When you’re working on business school applications, it’s only human to want to compare your qualifications to others you know who’ve already graduated from—or are currently attending—a top program. You…

Dipika Chopra

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Dipika is a graduate of Columbia University, with a long history in admissions consulting, advising clients applying to top undergraduate and graduate programs. She has personally coached many students on…

Getting To Know One-Year MBA Programs In The US

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The attractions of attending a rapid, pared-down and intensified one-year MBA program: It takes less time. It costs less. It requires less time out of the work force. Completing B-School in one year…

Ask the AdCom: What’s Your Favorite Restaurant Near Campus?

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Hey everybody! We’re back with another installment of “Ask the AdCom,” where we share a wide range of tips and advice from admissions team members from a dozen top business schools. Since AdCom…