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Posts published in “MBA”

Posts about MBA admissions, application process, essays, resumes, recommendation letters, and student life

Stacy Blackman’s Year in Review

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How is it possible that we’re already at the final day of 2015? Once again, the time is upon us to make new resolutions, push ourselves to learn and grow,…

So long, 2015!

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As we prepare to welcome 2016 this week, it’s a time for both reflection and anticipation. But odds are if you’ve been working on MBA applications, you’ve already been doing…

3 Day-Of Tips for a Successful MBA Interview 0

Our blog series, 12 Terrific Tips, offers specialized advice for MBA applicants in a range of situations – from deciding between an MBA and EMBA program, to applying as a…

What Applicants Should Not Do in 2016: A Poem 0

'Twas the night before deadlines, and all through the world, Our consultants sat cramming, coffee brewing, brows furled; Though the essays were written with effort and care, There were still…

Strategies for Defining Your MBA Goals

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While it sounds simple enough, many b-school hopefuls struggle with the question of addressing their career goals because although they know they want an MBA, they haven’t yet clearly defined…

On a B-School Waitlist? Do These 3 Things Right Now

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Ah, the waitlist….such an agonizing place to find oneself after applying to the business school of your dreams. There’s no denying that this temporary state of limbo is unsettling, especially…

Seasons Greetings!

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From the entire team at Stacy Blackman Consulting, we want to thank our loyal blog readers for logging on each day for the latest news from the B-school universe, and…

An HBS Student who Keeps on Giving 0

It's the Season of Giving, and what better way to celebrate that by replaying one of our most popular podcasts of 2015. Listen to our conversation with current Harvard Business…