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GMAT Question of the Day (Feb 6): Arithmetic and Sentence Correction

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Math (DS)

m and n are positive integers. Is the remainder of \frac{10^m + n}{3} bigger than the remainder of \frac{10^n + m}{3} ?

1. m > n
2. The remainder of \frac{n}{3} is 2

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Verbal (SC)

The woodland sub-species were in isolation from contact with humans longer than either their marsh cousins or the tree-dwelling sub-species.

(A) in isolation from contact with humans longer than
(B) isolated from contact with humans longer than
(C) in isolation from contact with humans longer than were
(D) isolated from contact with humans longer than were
(E) in isolation and without contacts with humans longer than

Answers to the questions: B, D
For explanations please see these threads: math and verbal

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