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GMAT Question of the Day (January 27)

Jeff 0


Is x^2 - y^2 divisible by 8?
(1) x and y are even integers.

(2) x + y is divisible by 8.

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer -  C - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)


 In contrast to the tense private drama, Act III is brought to a thrilling conclusion by King Henry's public defiance of the Roman Catholic Church, as he defies the papal legate, divorces Catherine, takes Anne as his wife, and proclaims himself head of the Church of England.

(A) In contrast to the tense private drama, Act III is brought to a thrilling conclusion by King Henry's public defiance of the Roman Catholic Church, as he defies the papal legate, divorces Catherine, takes Anne as his wife, and proclaims himself head of the Church of England.

(B) In contrast to the tense private drama, a thrilling conclusion of Act III is brought by King Henry's public defiance of the Roman Catholic Church, as he defies the papal legate, divorces Catherine, takes Anne as his wife, and proclaims himself head of the Church of England.

(C) In contrast to the tense private drama, King Henry publicly defies the Roman Catholic Church by defying the papal legate, divorcing Catherine, taking Anne as his wife, and proclaiming himself head of the Church of England, bringing Act III to a thrilling conclusion.

(D) In contrast to the tense private drama, King Henry's defiance of the papal legate, divorce from Catherine, marriage to Anne, and self-proclamation as head of the Church of England, all a public defiance of the Roman Catholic Church which brings Act III to a thrilling conclusion.

In contrast to the tense private drama, King Henry's public defiance of the Roman Catholic Church brings Act III to a thrilling conclusion, as he defies the papal legate, divorces Catherine, takes Anne as his wife, and proclaims himself head of the Church of England.

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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