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GMAT Question of the Day (May 26)

Jeff 0


Half of the company's employees work in manufacturing. If 20% of the employees who do not work in manufacturing are women, what percent of the company's employees are men?

(1) 50% of the company's male employees work in manufacturing.

(2) 20% of the company's employees who work in manufacturing are women.

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Math Revolution


Aldolase is a protein found in the brain. In an experiment, subjects who consistently chose sweetened drinks when offered a choice between salty and sweetened drinks were found, on average, to have significantly higher concentrations of Aldolase in their brains than subjects who consistently chose salty drinks over sweetened drinks. Thus, an increase in the level of Aldolase in the brain is likely to cause an increase in cravings for sweetened drinks.

Which one of the following, if true, most supports the argument?

(A) Craving sweetened drinks does not invariably result in a subject’s choosing those drinks over salty drinks.
(B) The brains of the subjects who consistently chose to drink sweetened drinks did not contain significantly more sugar than the brains of subjects that consistently chose salty drinks.
(C) The chemical components of Aldolase are present in sweetened drinks.
(D) The subjects that preferred sweetened drinks had higher concentrations of Aldolase in their brains before they were offered sweetened drinks.
(E) In a study of subjects who drank one sweetened drink per day for an entire year, the concentrations of Aldolase in the brains of most subjects gradually increased over the course of the year.

Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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