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GMAT Volume Dips Slightly 0

GMAT volume dipped less than 1% this year from its all-time record high of 265,613 last year, reports a Graduate Management News article. This slight drop follows four years of growth.

Here are some key statistics from this year:

  • 5,900 more women took the GMAT this year than last year, bringing the number to a record 105,900 tests, or 40.1% of all tests taken.
  • 30,264 Chinese citizens took the GMAT exam this year, compared to 23,550 last year and 10,142 in 2006. Indian citizens took 26,937 tests.
  • 63% of the GMAT tests taken by Chinese citizens were taken by women. 2,700 Chinese women and 741 Chinese men expressed interest in pursuing a masters in accountancy degree.
  • Certain countries in the Middle East and Africa showed double- or triple-diget growth since 2006, including Egypt (up 711 tests), Lebanon (up 688 tests), Turkey (up 365 tests), Kuwait (up 338 tests), and South Africa (up 385 tests).
  • Non-US citizens accounted for 136,918 of the 263,979 total, up a percent from last year.

To me these stats say that there is unlikely to be any big swings in application volume, although there may be shifts. For example, the article notes that the average age of GMAT test takers crept up. That could be because of an increase in EMBA applicants reported earlier. Or it could be that younger applicants tend to apply more with the GRE, which certainly does NOT seem to be hurting GMAC significantly at this point. ~ Helping You Write Your Best