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HBS: 8 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Application

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HBS: 8 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Application

When applying to Harvard Business School, it is a given you should have strong academic credentials. It is a given that your GMAT should be solid, preferably with a strong quant score. It is a given you should have valuable experiences and that ideally you will not have yet “aged out” of the ideal age range for the HBS program. But these are often “necessary” but not “sufficient” requirements of the typical successful HBS applicant.

They are not “sufficient” because, even if you have all of the above, you can still fail to gain admission to HBS – and there are several common reasons why some candidates fail to make it into the 11% of applicants who are granted admission to HBS. Consider 8 of the most common flaws in HBS applications:

1. Failing to focus somewhere in the application/essays/recommendations on your successful leadership
2. Failing to note your desire to make a notable impact in the future
3. Failing to draw solid attention to your key selling point(s) and stress them
4. Failing to convey evidence of your intellectual curiosity, analytical rigor and originality of thought
5. Failing to highlight somewhere in the application/essays/recommendations your proven teamwork capabilities
6. Failing to convey proof that you have been a top performer in your professional career
7. Failing to distinguish yourself from the pack of similar-profile applicants
8. Failing to provide two stellar recommendations (one flat recommendation can close the door!)

Be mindful of these common flaws as you put your HBS application together!

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Best wishes,

Dr. Shel (Shelly Watts)
President, MBA