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How to Apply to B-School With a Low GPA, Part 2 [Addressing Your Low GPA] 0

MBA Admissions: Low GMAT or GPA

Not proud of your undergraduate GPA? Concerned it may ruin your chances of getting into a top MBA program? It's time to tackle this issue head-on and create a plan for success.

In our last post, we discussed how to determine if you really do have a "low GPA." Now that you have a better perspective of what that number means, it's time to take the next step.

Let's Get to Work: Addressing Your Low GPA

Your goal will be to convince the adcom that your GPA isn't an accurate reflection of your abilities, and that you're capable of much, much more.

1. Ace that GMAT

You need a high GMAT score. The test score indicates you have the raw talent and aptitude for your chosen field.

2. Get yourself some A's

Take a class or two (or more) in a quant or verbal class (depending on where your weaknesses are greater). Maybe even pursue another degree. But no matter what you do, make sure you're ready to study hard and earn those A's. This is your last shot at demonstrating that you are a good student with strong skills and you've got what it takes to excel in b-school.

With an above average test score and evidence that you can perform academically, you are well on your way to dealing with that low GPA.

Accepted - The Premier Admissions Consultancy

Related Resources:

• What to Do About a Low GPA [Podcast Episode]
• Top 5 GMAT Practice Resources: Why Practice Doesn’t Always Make Perfect
• How MBA Adcoms Evaluate Your GPA

This article originally appeared on

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