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How to Write a Standout MBA Personal Statement

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 Follow these personal statement writing tips.

Hoping your MBA essay gets noticed by the admissions committee?

Writing an effective personal statement

Your resume is top-notch and you’ve spent hours on end studying to earn that stellar GMAT score. So, what’s next? Business school is around the corner, and now it’s time to make your application stand out from the rest.

Typically, business school applications will ask you to answer a series of essay questions and/or submit a personal statement, all with the underlying goal to learn more about you. Use it as an opportunity to accentuate your skills, achievements, and career goals.

Get the admissions committee to take notice

Ever hear the saying, “Show, don’t tell”? Admissions committees often read thousands of responses to the same essay prompts on repeat, and while it’s great to acknowledge that you’re an enthusiastic learner, you’re probably not the only one.

Instead, start with an anecdote about how you coordinated the reception for your business fraternity’s alumni event, or an opening line about how you followed your passion for entrepreneurship by building your own start-up business. Showing, rather than just telling, highlights your leadership skills in the context of actual experiences that set you apart and that engage the reader.

Read the instructions

It’s your job to answer the essay question and to do so succinctly. Stay on topic with information, personal experiences, and skills relevant to what the question is asking, otherwise you risk the reader losing interest.

This rule of thumb is crucial when you need to get your point across in a timely manner. If you’re given a maximum of 750 words for your MBA essay or personal statement, keep it under 750 words. Instructions are given for a reason. Not only is that word count in place to make the selection process smoother for the admissions committee, but it’s also an easy way to test your ability to follow instructions.

Tailor your essay to the MBA program

Adapting your essay or personal statement to each MBA program means doing your research. What sets this business school apart from the others? Do they have a core mission statement that’s consistent across departments?

Don’t copy and paste generic essay answers for each business school you’re applying to. Former admissions interviewer Jeremy Shinewald advises prospective MBA students to explain why that particular school is of interest to you as a prospective student.

Proofread, then proofread again

Grammar and spelling mistakes don’t go unnoticed, and they’re taken into account when deciding “yes” or “no.” This inattention to detail is reflected as carelessness in your overall application and overshadows what could otherwise be an outstanding essay or personal statement.

Writing can always be improved upon. Don’t rush at the last minute to finish the essay. Write it well in advance, give it a few days, then come back to reread and revise. You may find a better way to get your point across or reword an answer after you have had more time to think about it.

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The post How to Write a Standout MBA Personal Statement appeared first on Business School Insider.