IMD Executive MBA application essays
IMD EMBA essay #1
Please briefly state your career objectives. (160 words)
This length equates to one long or two short paragraphs. Be specific: note intended roles/positions, industry, possibly geography. Give an example of companies that interest you. State not just what you want to do, but, most important, WHY. What motivates you to pursue these career objectives? What would you like to accomplish? What impact would you like to have in the long term — your “vision”? There is enough room to provide some context, so consider adding in a point or two relevant to your situation; that could include a variety of topics, such as market trends that affect or that drive your goals, whether your goals are part of a formal development plan, a “Plan B” if needed, etc. Click here to download a free copy of our guide to writing about MBA goals, Why MBA? >>
IMD EMBA essay #2
Please describe three situations, business or otherwise, in which you were involved and which were of importance to you. Explain why you view them as such. (200 words)
Selecting three interesting, different, and in some way significant situations is the key to using this essay to maximum effect. It gives the adcom YOUR lens onto your life and career –and it gives you a chance to present a multifaceted self-portrait. Ideally, at least one of the three situations will not be work-related. In terms of time frame, generally, the longer ago something happened, the “bigger” its meaning and impact should be to make it a viable essay topic. For example, you should generally steer clear of discussing something as far back as high school – unless, for example, you escaped with your family from a region at war. Most likely, you’ll discuss situations that occurred within the last five years or so. Try to have at least one fairly recent work-related story, and also discuss experiences that are different. I suggest three paragraphs, each devoted to one situation. In each, describe the situation, and then discuss why it was important to you – and if it was so for multiple reasons, focus on one or two. Be thoughtful and insightful, don’t just state the obvious.
IMD EMBA essay #3
Please comment on a situation where you failed to reach an objective and what you learned from it. (200 words)
Here you have a chance to go more in depth on a specific experience. It often works best to use an experience from work, not too far in the past, as this allows the adcom to see you performing at a high level and dealing with big stakes. First, narrate the situation, giving specifics such as where, who, when, etc. Don’t shrink from the part where you failed to reach the objective – this is the pivot point of the story. Explain what happened and be frank about where you fell short. Describe your learning from it – and then add a sentence or two noting how you have since applied that learning.
IMD EMBA essay #4
In what ways do you believe you can contribute to the IMD Executive MBA program? (200 words)
Identify 2-3 key ways in which you stand out among IMD Executive MBA applicants and elaborate on how these factors will enable you to contribute. There is no formula here; it will differ for each applicant. Some examples of factors to present are a unique industry perspective or niche, an unusual or powerful experience at work, in-depth experience in an under-represented developing region, work that deals with critical or evolving social issues, significant and high-impact volunteer work. And/or, you may have compelling aspects of your personal story that reflect a unique perspective to share. These are just examples. For the top 2-3 factors you mention, describe each briefly and how/why it will enable you to contribute. After this substantive discussion, if you wish and have room, you can add a couple more points in a concluding sentence or two – but there is no need to do so.
International exposure
Please list significant experience living, working and studying outside your own country. Include the activity time, time period (year/s), and country or region.
The question says “list,” so no need to elaborate beyond the facts requested. However, “significant” is open to interpretation. Note “living, working and studying” – do not try to contort vacations into this section in order to increase the international exposure or show off an exotic experience. DO detail the relevant specifics, e.g., don’t just say “semester studying in Mexico” – note what you studied, the name of the university, and any additional important elements such as leading a club or writing a thesis in Spanish.
For expert guidance with your IMD Executive MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to IMD’s EMBA program and look forward to helping you too!
IMD Executive MBA application deadlines for 2022
“The IMD Executive MBA program has several starting dates each year. As competition is high for places in the program, we recommend that you start the application process as soon as you and your company are sure of your decision.
As soon as we receive applications, we review them and make acceptance decisions. This means that the class can fill up even several months in advance of the date it actually starts. We, therefore, recommend that you apply early. Typically, we respond to all applicants within 3 weeks.”
***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.***
Cindy Tokumitsu has advised hundreds of successful applicants, helping them gain acceptance to top MBA and EMBA programs in her 20 years with Accepted. She would love to help you too. Want Cindy to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!
Related Resources:
• 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your MBA Application Essays, a free guide
• School-Specific Executive MBA Application Essay Tips
• EMBA: The Ultimate Guide for Applicants