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London Business School 2011 MBA Application Questions, Deadlines, Tips. 0

This London Business School 2011 MBA Application tip post is one of a series of posts providing MBA application and essay advice for applicants to top MBA programs around the world. You can access the entire series at My tips for answering the LBS essay questions are in blue below.

London Business School 2011 MBA Essay Questions


Question 1. Give us a brief assessment of your career progress to date.

In what role do you see yourself working in immediately after graduation and what is your longer term career vision?

How will your past and present experiences help you to achieve this?

How will the London Business School MBA Programme contribute to this goal?

Why is this the right time for you to pursue an MBA? (750 Words)

This is a classic goals question with the focus on your short-term goals -- what you want to do immediately after you receive your MBA. How did you develop this goal? Why does it appeal to you? How did your experiences shape your goal and how do they reveal the appropriateness of your goal. (If you are a couch-potato or klutz, don't say you want to be a professional athlete--which wouldn't be a match for b-school anyway.)  Finally, how will LBS help you achieve your goal?

Question 2. Give a specific example of when you have had to test your leadership and team working skills. Given this experience what role will you play in a first year study group? (300 Words)

First think of an example of you in a team setting and taking a leadership role. You don't need to have had the title of "team lead" or "captain." You need to have influenced, persuaded, and motivated other team members. What qualities did you exhibit that allowed you to succeed? Good listening skills? The ability to take a back seat when someone else knew more? Your teammates trust in your technical knowledge? There could be an infinite number of other traits; these are just a few that I thought of.

Then research the first year study groups at London Business School. The web site says, "When you arrive at London Business School, you will be assigned to a Study Group of six or seven people from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds. You will work with them throughout the first year and achieve around 50 per cent of your first year grade together." You should also watch this video. Then show how the traits that made you successful in your example would also help you in a LBS Study Group.

Question 3. Student involvement is an extremely important part of the London Business School MBA experience and this is reflected in the character of students on campus. Please describe how you will contribute to student clubs and the community and why? (300 Words)

They shortened this question this year by 100 words. Again, you need to research student life at LBS before you can answer this question. The best answers will directly respond to all elements in the question by showing that you have been involved in similar college, community, or professional organizations in the past. And you will be able to illustrate your abilities to contribute to LBS by discussing your earlier contributions.

Question 4. London Business School offers a truly global and diverse experience. Describe any significant experiences outside of your home country or culture. What did you gain and how will your experience contribute to London Business School? (300 Words)

And they added 150 words to this essay this year. This question reflects the importance of international and cross-cultural experiences for London Business School. What were the most 1-2 significant experiences you have had outside your home country and what did you learn from them.

Please choose ONE of the following options.

First rule when you have a choice: Choose the option that complements your other essays and is easiest for you to write a compelling, persuasive engaging essays. That is almost always the option you are most enthusiastic about writing, the one that almost writes itself.

Whatever you choose, keep it short & sweet. You only have 150 words.

Question 5a. You have decided to stand for the role of Student Association President. Announcing your campaign to the London Business School community for the first time, please describe your manifesto. (150 Words)

To respond to this question, you need to have a clear understanding of student life at LBS and the role of the Association President. What would you introduce or change? How are you qualified to be the LBS Association president?


Question 5b. What is your most substantial achievement to date and why? (150 Words)

If at all possible demonstrate the impact of your achievement using numbers, If you have room, mention a challenge you faced along the way. Definitely include why you consider this experience to be your most substantial.

Question 6 (optional). Is there any other information that you believe would help the MBA Admissions Committee when considering your application? (300 Words)

Please see "The Optional Question: To Be or Not to Be."

Question 7 (for re-applicants only). How has your candidacy for the London Business School MBA improved since your last application? Have your views of London Business School or the MBA programme changed since you last applied? (300 Words)

This is THE key question for all reapplicants. London just asks it explicitly. Please see:

Question 8. Please provide a CV/Resume. This CV must only be one page in length. If you have any significant gaps in your employment history, please tell us why on a separate sheet.

Go beyond mere job description to highlight achievement. If your title is "consultant," saying that you "consulted on projects" is uninformative at best. If you are a financial analyst boasting that you did financial analysis states the obvious. Writing that you "Led a 6-member team working on a biotech outsourcing project to Slovakia with a budget of $X. It came in on time and under budget." conveys infinitely more.

If you would like help with your London Business School MBA application, please consider Accepted's MBA essay editing and admissions consulting or an LBS MBA Package, which includes essay editing, interview coaching, consultation, and a resume edit for the LBS MBA application.

By Linda Abraham, President and Founder of