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Question of the Day (July 23)

Jeff 0


If x=23^2*25^4*27^6*29^8 and is a multiple of 26^n, where n is a non-negative integer, then what is the value of n^{26}-26^n?

A. -26
B. -25
C. -1
D. 0
E. 1

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - C - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)


While depressed property values can hurt some large investors, they are potentially devastating for homeowners, whose equity—in many cases representing a life's savings—can plunge or even disappear.

(A) they are potentially devastating for homeowners, whose
(B) they can potentially devastate homeowners in that their
(C) for homeowners they are potentially devastating, because their
(D) for homeowners, it is potentially devastating in that their
(E) it can potentially devastate homeowners, whose

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)
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