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Question of the Day (October 24)

Jeff 0


At the end of the term, a group of three students has to take three tests. The maximum score on each test is 200. The table below shows the number of points scored by each of the students on tests 1 and 2.
test 1 test 2 student 1 30 50 student 2 40 54 student 3 14 28
How much will the second student have to score on test 3 so that his average performance for the three tests would equal 30% ?

A. 56 points
B. 64 points
C. 72 points
D. 81 points
E. 86 points

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)


A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes.

(A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump
(B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping
(C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump
(D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump
(E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Bonus RC Question of the Day

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