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Saying Thanks: A College Student’s Note to Her Mom

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Who are you saying thank you to in your professional journey?

One college student says thanks to her mom for everything she’s done.

We say thank you so often and casually that we sometimes forget why we say it. Yes, of course it’s polite to say thank you—but what does it really mean? Being thankful perhaps matters most when someone has guided you through life. In that respect, I cannot express how thankful I am for my mother who has helped me get to where I am today: ready to graduate with a college degree and continue on my professional journey.

Why I’m saying thanks to my mom

My mom is my ultimate hero. Her optimism is something that I can only strive to achieve. Yes, she was a great mom who cooked and cleaned for us kids, but she has done so much more that it is difficult to even put into words. For starters, she made us believe we could do anything we put our minds to. She taught my sister and me to live life to our fullest potential, and that is what we have done so far.

Despite being put in the unfortunate position of providing for two toddlers as a single mom, she never let us see her sweat. She knew what she had to do and did it. She was up at 6 a.m. to take us to daycare, then off to work she went. After work and taking care of us, you would think she would take some time for herself to unwind—but no. Until she went to bed, she was still doing things around the house or working just to make sure we always had what we needed.

Looking back as a soon-to-be college grad

It’s not just because she took care of us on her own that my mom is my hero—it’s because she never even thought twice about it and never complained. Now my sister is graduating college with a degree in paper science engineering and a full-time job offer. I will graduate college next year with a degree in information technology and will then hopefully be off to graduate school. My mom tells us all the time how proud she is of us, but I want to take the time to say how proud I am of her.

Mom, you are my inspiration and my motivation to achieve all that I can in this world. You are the reason I do so well in and out of school. If someone tells me when I am older that I am even a little bit like you, I have achieved my goal. You have taught me so much, and I know there are still so many lessons to be learned. So, I just want to say thank you, and that I love you tons and a million.

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The post Saying Thanks: A College Student’s Note to Her Mom appeared first on Business School Insider.