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Posts tagged as “Dean Bob Bruner”

Forbes’ 10 Most Under-Rated Reasons to Get an MBA

stacyblackman 0

Some people are dubious about the value of an MBA degree---see the link I mentioned recently, where UV Darden's Dean Robert Bruner sets straight the naysayers who argue, "But Steve…

B-Schools Give a Boost to Student Entrepreneurs

stacyblackman 0

Today marks the official kick-off of Global Entrepreneurship Week, the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and…

UV Darden Offers Free Online Course on Smart Biz Growth

stacyblackman 0

Come January, anyone with a computer and an Internet connection will be able to take advantage of Darden School of Business's first "massive open online course", or MOOC, called "Grow…