Hi, I'm looking for advice on whether I should apply to schools by the round 1 application deadlines with a GMAT score of 690 or retake the GMAT (I think I'm capable of scoring 720) and applying in R2. I'm not sure if I am competitive enough of an applicant for the schools I am applying to. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
August 19th - q48, v38 (score of 690)
September 8th q49, v29 (combined 640), I just took the test today I cannot take another one until September 25th (16 day waiting period). On all of my prior practice exams I scored a 40 in the verbal section, so I'm not sure what happened there...
MIT Sloan
Professional Experience:
1 year consulting at Accenture
4 years in the aerospace / defense industry as an engineer and project engineer (with 2 promotions)
Undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, GPA: 3.75/4
Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering, GPA: 3.5/4
Demographics / Other: Female and from the U.S.
Very involved with community outreach and STEM development programs, and i'm also a university teacher during the fall and spring semesters
Based on what you wrote, it really sounds like there is potential for a better score here, so I would definitely retake if I were you, just so you know you tried everything you could in order to get in and don’t have any regrets afterwards. As I am sure you know several of the schools on your list are really competitive so you do want to have the feeling you didn’t leave any stone unturned!