Both a stable government and good climate are essential for economic growth in Zone1 countries.Country X does not enjoy economic growth, but has a good climate and a stable government.
It must be true that:
A. Country X is not in Zone 1
B. Country X is in Zone 1
C. The economic growth of countries outside Zone 1 has nothing to do with good climate or a stable government
D. Country X’s economic growth does not depend on good climate and stable government alone
E. None of the above
Question Type: Must be True / Inference
Premise 1: Essential conditions for economic growth in Zone 1 countries are good climate & stable government.
Premise 2: Country X has good climate & stable government but doesn't enjoy economic growth
Analysis: Essential condition, doesn't imply sufficient & necessary, hence good climate & stable government are probably one of the many other conditions required for economic growth in Zone 1 countries. Nonetheless good climate & stable government are important conditions for economic growth in Zone 1 countries. Hence in zone 1 countries, economic growth is affected by good climate & stable government. Hence a country in Zone 1 may enjoy economic growth or may not enjoy economic growth even though it might have good climate & stable government.
Country X has good climate & stable government, however it does not mean that country X is part of zone 1 countries, it may or may not. Country X doesn't enjoy economic growth, however it does not mean that country X is not part of zone 1 countries, it may or may not.
Only things that can be conclusively said in Country X good climate & stable government are may be one of the many other conditions affecting economic growth or these two conditions do not affect economic growth at all.
Looking at the answer choices i think i will go with E. However i think i might have over analyzed it.
Good question