No but you need the score to get in the college
bro even if i have a good score i wont apply if they dont have good Product Management placements....assuming i have a good score then which colleges should they be so that i dont waste my application?
somebody with this knowledge please chip in. thanks!
Just search for ISB Careers in Product Management on youtube. The video was posted by ISBs official channel. Also, a lot of webinars happen and a few will happen before Round 2 deadline as well, which is Dec 3.
Just follow this thread and you will get the links. Join them and you can ask all your questions there.
Secondly, most of the alums are really helpful. Just write a message to any one on LinkedIn preferably who graduated recently so that they will know about the latest situation at ISB.
Also they can direct you to someone who is in that role presently and if you are lucky, maybe someone who have had a similar career trajectory as you do or one that you aspire to have.
Posted from my mobile device