I love Michigan more than anyone. I don't think you will find someone that is as unbiased as me. Michigan engineering is great. I assure you that each school will help you accomplish your goals. My goal here is to only clear these misconceptions about Kellogg.
That said, with an MBA from Kellogg, you will have no problem getting into a tech or operations role (things that an engineer might get). Kellogg has a HUGE presence in Silicon Valley and Seattle. And remember, the MMM program recruits the brightest talent that desire an operations focus.
But unless you want to work in automotives, I can't think of any tech firm that goes to Michigan and does not recruit at Kellogg. And if you are recruiting for an MBA position, people aren't going to necessarily associate you with Michigan engineering unless you are TMI.
But hey, if you pick Michigan for the culture or because you love Ann Arbor, by all means do so. It is a great school!
To pick Michigan over Kellogg because overall university strength is like picking Yale SOM over Wharton because Yale is a stronger brand. In other words, it makes no sense.
And let's be honest here. Both are great research universities with strong programs across the board. I just looked at the US news rankings, and the law schools are tied at 9. Differences are marginal.
Kellogg alumni tend to be loyal to Kellogg students more so than the rest of Northwestern. Same with Ross alums. Keep that in mind and realize overall university strength is not something one should factor into this decision. Especially since both schools have strong reputations.
To be honest I am still leaning a bit towards UCLA (the weather is a big factor for me
); but I would put Michigan up with Kellogg now. I feel Michigan is a stronger university as a whole; with top notch engineering, medical, graduate, and law schools. Whereas I feel Kellogg is a cut above the rest of Northwestern. Hmm...still need to get in a school. But Michigan did move up a notch after visiting...
Kellogg is an excellent school and I meant no disrespect from my earlier post, I am applying to Kellogg and would be happy to attend there next year (if they accept me).
I suppose I feel that so much value is placed on US news and BW rankings. The difference between a top 5 and a top 10 rankings is small. Students are similar, and recruiters are similar. Fit, cost, location, happiness, general university brand, career recruitment, etc etc are all important. Just feel that these US news and BW rankings rule "MBA world." In the work place there are lots of people from different backgrounds, and not everybody has (or wants) an MBA.
Overall university brand is important. That is one reason Stanford and Harvard are perennially at the top of most students "wish list." As for Yale. I don't really have too much opinion as I'm not an Ivy League kid. Although I think its top 20ish placement is a result of the general Yale brand, not so much the business school. Yale isn't a bad school, just doesn't seem to have much of a business reputation.
I am biased in my engineering background. Michigan is one of the "big kids" on the block, in fact one of the co-founders of Google did his undergrad there. Their students are bright and I think if you were to work in a technology company, where you would have to interact with engineers or scientists that the Michigan name does carry a little bit more weight just because their strong programs.