Company president: Grievance procedures should allow the grievant and the respondent to select a mediator who will attempt to work out a resolution. Grievances are costly and mediation could help to resolve many of them. However, beginning mediation fairly late in the process, as our human resources department proposes, wouldbe relatively ineffective.
Which one of the following, if true, most helps to justify the company president’s criticism of the human resources department’s proposal?
(A) People who file grievances are unreasonable and would resist listening to a mediator.
(B) Many disagreements are already being solved without the intervention of a mediator.
(C) Adversaries’ positions tend to harden as a dispute wears on, making compromise less likely.
(D) Respondents tend to be supervisors who cannot give in to employees without losing authority.
(E) The mediation process itself is likely to cost as much in time and money as the present grievance procedures.
conclusion is late mediation then ==>procedure will be ineffective.
option C says:Adversaries’ positions tend to harden as a dispute wears on, making compromise less likely.==>opposing party tends to become strong as a dispute is delayed...result==>scenario of compromise becomes less likely.
A and B ==>suppose they have a dispute over land.....ARGUMENT says if you find a mediator between A AND B then a grievance procedure is possible and that can lead to a resolution is possible ..lets say that resolution as compromise.
argument says if you delay in mediation then that grievance procedure becomes ineffective...
we have to support this point.
clearly C SUPPORTS that.
waiting OA