FurnAce, a waste treatment center, switched from burning toxins in its incinerator to storing them in barrels.
Such a change will clearly improve the air quality in Purica, yet since the initial aim was to protect citizens from toxic waste, the switch to storing toxins in barrels will lead to greater long term negative consequences.
The barrels are made of a plastic that will start to corrode in 10 years, or even sooner depending on the toxins stored within. Once the toxins enter the groundwater, they pose a serious health risk.
In the argument above, the bold-faced parts play which of the following roles?
(A) The first provides an objection to the main argument the second provides evidence in favor of the main argument.
(B) The first provides evidence that challenges the conclusion; the second part is a consideration that weakens the force of this challenge against the conclusion.
(C) The first is an objection to the main conclusion that the author dismisses; the second part is evidence used to support this dismissal.
(D) The first part is premise upon which the conclusion rests; the second part is an additional premise that lends strength to conclusion
(E) The first part is a consequence that the author accepts as fact but that does not have a bearing on the conclusion; the second part provides direct evidence in support of the conclusion.