I was recently ecstatic to learn that I was accepted to the following schools:
Harvard (should be eligible for need-based scholarship)
Stanford (should be eligible for need-based scholarship)
Wharton ($60k scholarship)
Chicago ($80k scholarship)
Post-MBA Goals: either (1) working for a mid-stage startup, (2) working in VC or Growth Equity (better chance of VC than PE due to background), or (3) entrepreneurship (although more of a medium-term goal). Ideally, I would like to live in the South (strange, I know) post-graduation.
My current thought process/questions I'm asking myself:
(1) Stanford's location is obviously a big factor due to my goals, but has HBS closed this gap over the past few years? Since they've put so much focus on the Rock Center/Innovation Lab/etc.
(2) Would it be worth talking to H or S regarding my decision and financial aid, or are these schools' need-based scholarships non-negotiable?
(3) Assuming I am eligible for at least 'some' ($ or $$) need-based aid from H or S, is there any scenario in which Wharton/Booth should prevail in this decision (i.e. if I can negotiate more money)?
I have never posted in this forum, but please do not mistake this as a "troll" post. Interested in any/all thoughts. Thanks very much!