Hello guys!
I am currently prepping "serious" (before I just stumbled through the
Manhattan Books every other day) for the GMAT since around 1 1/2 weeks.
My background is a University studies in Economics / Business, I will finish it next year with my BsC.
In Uni I am one of the top performers, have great grades and (I am not American though, just what the calculators say) ~3.9 GPA
With the GMAT though I have to say that some problems make me struggle really hard at the moment and sometimes make me depressed.
For example this morning I wanted to solve some Quant Questions and one of them was a "machine / rate / output per hour" text-problem which I could not solve. I then looked the question up at gmatclub and saw that it was rated as easy .. which immediately made me think that I am just too dumb to achieve a 700+ if I don't even get these questions right.
*short mental breakdown*
As soon as I got myself together again I reviewed the questions and looked up a few different and now that I understood the rate / time relation I solved them fairly easy.
The main problem right now for me is the time -> the next quant question I took was a similar problem just a bit trickier and this time they wanted to know "how many machines ..." instead of "ouput per hour ..."
So I sat there and thought quite some time (think like 5-7 minutes I dunno) to come up with a suitable solution, I had the eureka moment at the end and came to the right solution but it frustrated me again because the solution was basically very simple and it took me that long to arrive there.
Have you guys immediately solved questions WITH time aspect or did you give yourself some weeks of just plain understanding / solving without time constraints before really pushing it under time pressure?
I am not sure which approach I should follow.
This might seem like I don't really have a plan but well I do, I have an
error log, write everything down, have a time schedule and am pretty organized. I just have those breakdowns here and there where I am seriously questioning my competence.
It's also very hard for me to push in much hours, in Uni I can learn 8-9 hours during finals / exam phase, with the GMAT I did ~6 hours yesterday and after 3-4 hours it wasn't just possible to solve harder problems anymore.. So I used that time working on a spreadsheet and a cleaner
error log.
Thank you guys for any input
Most people, regardless of their training, will not know how to quickly and accurately solve GMAT quantitative problems. You would need to become familiar with its special elements of question types and methods of solving.
The GMAT does not really test your mathematical abilities. It instead tests logical abilities.
Many testtakers start with low practice scores and do end up scoring well on the actual exam. You will need several months to do well on the exam. GL!