Q1. A contract, whether expressed or unexpressed, exists when two parties engage with each other for the reciprocal transfer of benefits. Thus, in accepting support from public funds, an artist creates at least an unexpressed contract between himself or herself and the public, and the public can rightly expect to benefit from the artist’s work. Which one of the following most accurately describes an error in reasoning in the passage? (A) attempting to justify a rule of conduct on the grounds that it confers benefits on all of the parties involved (B) concluding that a definition is fully applicable to a situation when it is known only that the situation conforms partially to that definition (C) speaking only in abstract terms about matters that involve contingencies and that must be judged on a case-by-case basis (D) confusing the type of mental or emotional activity in which an individual can engage with the mental or emotional states that can characterize groups of individuals (E) treating an issue that requires resolution through political processes as if it were merely a matter of opinion Difficulty - Hard
Q2. Letter to the editor: Middle-class families in wealthy nations are often criticized for the ecological damage resulting from their lifestyles. This criticism should not be taken too seriously, however, since its source is often a movie star or celebrity whose own lifestyle would, if widely adopted, destroy the environment and deplete our resources in a short time. The reasoning in the letter to the editor is vulnerable to criticism in that it (A) criticizes a characteristic of the people giving an argument rather than criticizing the argument itself (B) takes failure to act consistently with a belief as an indication of the sincerity with which that belief is held (C) presumes that a viewpoint must be unreasonable to accept simply because some of the grounds advanced to support it do not adequately do so (D) fails to recognize that evidence advanced in support of a conclusion actually undermines that conclusion (E) generalizes about the behavior of all people on the basis of the behavior of a few Difficulty - Hard
CR Questions August - 16 :Q1. Exterminator: Using poisoned food is the most effective tactic for combating a mouse infestation.The mouse will carry the food back to the nest, causing all of the mice to die, while a trap will kill only the one mouse that falls into it. If all signs of the mice disappear for three consecutive weeks after poisoned food is used, the homeowner can be sure that the poison was successful in eradicating the mice.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the exterminator’s claim that the absence of signs for three weeks means the mice have been eradicated by the poison?
(A) Because mice hide whenever they sense humans, it is very difficult to see or hear mice even when there is an active infestation.
(B) It is more humane to use “live-catch” traps that allow homeowners to release the still- living mice outside.
(C) In the spring, many mice that nest in houses begin foraging for food outside and do not return to the comfort of the house until the fall or winter.
(D) There are several different kinds of poison that could be used, some of which are more effective than others.
(E) It sometimes takes longer than three weeks for all of the mice to ingest and die from the poison.
Q2. At a large manufacturing corporation, the ratio of the annual job-related injury insurance premium per employee to average employee annual net pay increased between 1978 and 2003. Yet, the annual number of job-related injuries per employee during that time decreased by more than 30 percent.
Which of the following, if true, best explains the discrepancy outlined above?
A. From 1978 to 2003, the severity of job-related injuries at the corporation decreased significantly due to compliance with new workplace safety rules.
B. The number of employees at the corporation decreased between 1978 and 2003.
C. During the 1978– 2003 period, inflation significantly eroded the purchasing power of the dollar.
D. The corporation did not change its insurance provider during the 1978– 2003 period.
E. Between 1978 and 2003, health care costs per job-related injury rose sharply, pressuring insurance providers to raise premiums.