Hi there
In my personal experience, Kaplan CATs are at number 3, after GMAT Prep and Manhattan test series. Kaplan tests are better than that of Veritas. If you buy Kaplan tests only, they are a bit expensive you should better buy a book "Kaplan GMAT Prep Plus 2019" it comes with 5 online tests. You just have to register the book on their website.
Here is the link to buy 4 Kaplan GMAT test
https://www.kaptest.com/product/configu ... kAAP-URVa0150$ fro 3 month access and 199$ for six month access
Here is the link to buy Kaplan Book from Amazon
https://www.amazon.com/GMAT-Prep-Plus-2 ... 15062348955 tests and a book at 33.22$ and test access is for one year.
Choice is yours. Good Luck
Hi All,
Can someone please recommend how is Kaplan test series?
I have already given Manhattan test series and scored ~690.
I would like to give one more test series before attempting the GMAT official tests.
Need reviews for Kaplan.
Also, I am not able to find the link for purchasing the Kaplan test series. Can anyone please post it here?