Hi there! Your GMAT score is solid & will allow you to compete despite the fact that you are coming from an extremely tough demographic. In terms of MiM vs. Masters in finance it's really going to depend on your career goals. A MiM is more of a general management degree that will position you well for a wide range of jobs (consulting is a common one following this degree) whereas a masters in finance will position you for more of a finance role (although consulting could be an option there as well). You're right that you don't have the experience yet for an MBA -- you'll need 3-5 years of experience (and ideally business experience rather than experience in a developer role) to be a strong candidate there. I'd do some research & some informational interviews to help you narrow in on your career goals. Check out the websites for schools you are considering & see how the alumni profiles resonate with you. Do they sound like they are doing work that you'd like to do one day? Once you narrow in on a career path you can then ID the ~3 skill gaps you need to fill to get there & that will serve as the foundation for your argument for why you need the degree & why a particular school is the best fit.
In terms of strengthening your profile, if you plan to apply this fall there isn't much time to do anything at this point other than just do this research & do your best on your applications. You don't want to bring on a new extracurricular or anything like that at this stage -- it will be transparent that you are just doing it to strengthen your application.
If you need any help thinking through your strategy or your story definitely reach out to us. If you email Claudia at
claudia@admissionado.com she can set you up with a consultant who can take a look at your resume & give you some more detailed thoughts!