Hi there,
Thanks for this service! My information is below. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
· Demographics (nationality, gender):
- 24 y/o, Latino, Male, LGBT student
· Education (undergraduate institution, GPA, major - high school/entrance exams not needed):
- Top 3 Public University, BA, 3.2 GPA
· Other coursework or post-undergraduate education:
- N/A
· GMAT or GRE (include section breakdown):
- GRE; Total: 315 (162 V, 153 Q)
- Retaking before Round 2 deadline
· Work experience (highlight amount of work experience, industries, roles, promotions, special accomplishments, international exposure):
- 2 years legal experience (immigration law and patent law).
- 2 years (3 at matriculation) at an early stage start-up of about 30 people.
- Promoted twice in 2 years
- Built out 2 unique functions
- Increased % of underrepresented employees at the company (highlighted with metrics on my resume)
· Extracurricular activities (highlight notable undergraduate and post-undergraduate ones):
- Worked 30 hours per week during undergrad; graduated at age 20 in 2.5 years (took 30 units one semester).
- Scholarship reader for local non-profit.
- Founded and lead internal ERG group
· Post-MBA goals:
- Organizational consulting (stated goal on applications)
- Entrepreneurship (something I'm interested in though likely won't have that be my stated goal on my applications)
· Target schools:
- Reach: Berkeley Haas; Yale SOM
- Target: Rice Jones, Texas McCombs, Georgetown McDonough
· Other information relevant to your profile:
- Applying through the Consortium
· Any specific questions you would like answered by our team:
- I know my Quant score is very low and am focused on increasing it during my retake. I didn't study much when I took the GRE so have doubled down on getting that score up. Shoud I address it in my optional essays?
- How are community college grades weighted if I was a transfer student?
- How is intentionality best demonstrated?
Thanks in advance!