Thank you guys a lot for your answers.
I have quite a lot experience - all the time I was working and studying. However it was mainly as a CEO and was expected to be the decision maker. Somehow this restricts my options to learn from other people - especially when working mainly with construction workers. This means that my short-term goal is to find environment full of ambitious people that I can meet and learn from.
So let me share my current thoughts.
Babson appears to be too risky - it is worth it only if I want to stay there for a while. I prefer traveling and can not find the motivation to fight for it.
IE haves another advantage - It would give me the option to learn Spanish. I would be really happy if by the end I have some considerable knowledge in the language. The program still looks amazing - the humane-centered innovation and the design of experiences is awesome and futuristic. Still a great risk too. I would love to spend a year in Madrid!
RSM - I am trying not to consider the financial part of the programs but there is still an advantage here. In addition it is a proven program and involves consultancy preparation and nice electives. Rotterdam looks a bit small but I guess it is enjoyable with so many internationals
ESADE - When not considering the financial part - it is the most expensive. However - 3 continents and 2 diplomas sounds amazing. On the other side, the exact program looks like it is made a bit more to be desirable rather than to be useful. I doubt getting in-depth knowledge for 15 weeks anywhere. Still it is only the second year of the program and I also doubt the coordination between the 3 universities.
Unfortunately, I am still far away from making the decision and actually have no favorite. I am trying to evaluate also my personal benefits and the career opportunities after.
IE - I like the values of the university and guess I would fit well there. However, I am not sure how much of what is on paper is true. I will also learn some Spanish and knowing English, German and Spanish looks great on paper too. My biggest doubts here are about how consultancy recruiters are going to translate Customer Experience and Innovation. Guess I can get a project management certificate in the meantime so I can help them a bit?
RSM - I guess the people will be a whole lot of different here. I don't intend on studying a lot of language there though. Looks great for recruiters, not sure about general consulting though. Still, I will travel a lot from there and visit everything in at least 500km radius.
ESADE - Definitely a lot of experience, a lot of culture shock/pleasure. Looks good for consulting. Won't learn a lot of language though. China is appealing. Virginia not that much. I can stay in Barca a bit more though.
I really never expected that I am going to have to choose from these four. Totally not prepared for it.