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HBS Opens Workspace for Alumni in NYC

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Harvard Business School has announced it will open its first workspace for HBS alumni startups in New York City, which will act as both an ecosystem for high potential ventures, and a community gathering space for alumni who are part of the NYC startup culture.

entrepreneurship at HBS

The new HBS Startup Studio will feature:

  • 3,000 square feet of subsidized co-working space for 8-10 alumni ventures
  • Collaboration and community building with other HBS Alumni founders in NYC
  • A director and a coordinator on staff to support you in your venture
  • Access to programs and events for founders, investors and other entrepreneurial focused HBS alumni.

We look forward to the groundbreaking of HBS’s first co-working space in NYC.  With so many amazing HBS-founded companies in NYC — including Rent the Runway, Birchbox, and Blue Apron – we expect that this will help fuel growth of the HBS and Harvard entrepreneurial ecosystem in the NYC area,” say the alumni co-heading the new workspace, Diana Dowling and Jasaon E. Klein.

As part of the Harvard Business School Arthur Rock Center for Entrepreneurship, the Startup Studio will be permanently located near Union Square, but while that space is being built out, will be temporarily located at the WeWork location at 39th and Broadway.  Teams will move to the new location in Spring of 2016.


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