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Applying to B-School Next Year? You Can’t Miss This! 0

Webinar: 7 steps to acceptance in 2019

There’s still time to register for this week’s webinar, 7 Steps to MBA Acceptance in 2019!

If you’re planning to apply to business school next fall or winter, what you do over the next several months could make or break your application. This is your time to research schools, work on strengthening any weak spots in your profile, and start to think seriously about your application. We’ve got an action plan to help you do that, and it’s all in this week’s webinar: 7 Steps to MBA Acceptance in 2019.

The webinar is free, but you must register!

Register for the webinar!


Get accepted!


This article originally appeared on

Applying to a top b-school? The talented folks at Accepted have helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to their dream programs. Whether you are figuring out where to apply, writing your application essays, or prepping for your interviews, we are just a call (or click) away.

Contact us, and get matched up with the consultant who will help you get accepted!