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GMAT Question of the Day (May 23)

Jeff 0


The average grade of students in group 1 is 4.0 while that of students in group 2 is 3.0. If the groups were merged into one big group, what would be the average grade in this group?

(1) There are twice as many students in group 1 as in group 2.

(2) There are 4 more students in group 1 than in group 2.

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Math Revolution


Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging, the manufacturer has announced that it will cut production by closing its factories for two days a month.

(A) Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging

(B) Because of plunging prices for computer chips, which is due to an oversupply

(C) Because computer chip prices have been sent plunging, which resulted from an oversupply

(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply

(E) Due to an oversupply, with the result that computer chip prices have been sent plunging

Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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