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Happy Thanksgiving! 0

Today is a national holiday here in the United States, when we pause -- at least for a brief moment -- to count our blessings. Wherever you are, that is a good exercise.

My family has expanded this year with the birth of two grandchildren. We've had a couple of children move to California with their families, and love having our children and grandchildren near by. I certainly have what to be grateful for. We are truly blessed.

As I have done annually for the last few years on Thanksgiving, I want to highlight one of my favorite posts: Admissions Tip: Thanksgiving Appreciation.

And with that, let me wish anyone reading this blog today a Happy Thanksgiving!



Linda Abraham
By Linda Abraham, president and founder of and co-author of the new, definitive book on MBA admissions, MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools.'s experienced admissions consultants can help you create the most impressive application possible with comprehensive packages, or provide targeted assistance from picking perfect programs to designing a dazzling resume, constructing engaging essays, or preparing for intense interviews…and more! has guided thousands of applicants to acceptances at top MBA programs since 1994 – we know what works and what doesn't, so contact us to get started now!

This article originally appeared on the Accepted Admissions Consulting Blog, the official blog of