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Kirill’s Journey from Russia to B-School 0

Read more MBA applicant blogger interviews!This interview is the latest in an Accepted blog series featuring interviews with MBA applicant bloggers, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at the MBA application process. And now for a chat with Kirill Zheleznov…

Accepted: We'd like to get to know you! Where are you from? Where and what did you study as an undergrad? 

Kirill: I'm from Russia, in particular a relatively small city in the west of Russia named Kaliningrad (former Konigsberg). I went to school in Kaliningrad and then moved to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. There I studied applied physics and mathematics and got a bachelors and master’s degree.

At the moment I'm pursuing a PhD degree in industrial engineering at the V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences.

Accepted: Can you share three fun facts about yourself?

Kirill: Fun (well, at least to some extent fun) facts about me:

1. I have a red-haired Maine-Coon named Erwin (after Schrödinger).

2. Once I caught a one-meter long pike.

3. I’m a huge fan of Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.

Accepted: Which business schools are you applying to? Which of these programs would you say is the best fit for you? Why? 

Kirill: I'm applying to Harvard, Wharton, IESE and HEC Paris. From my point of view, all these schools perfectly fit my interests because they provide rigorous training in finance and have holistic alumni networks. 

Accepted: Nice job on your 690 GMAT score – can you share some tips with our readers?

Kirill: Thank you very much! However, I'm not satisfied with my score – the aim was above 700. ☺ According to my experience, the key thing to success in GMAT is practice. Due to my education, I stressed the verbal part during my preparation. My main advice here is to plan more than one exam date. That sounds really simple, but I failed to do so and was too nervous on GMAT day.

Second thing that one can do is to read English books with good vocabulary. I believe that it is rather difficult to remember grammar rules. However, you can "feel" what is right. And this is an easy thing to do if you usually read – you just need to change a language and nothing more.

Accepted: Where are you currently working? Do you plan on continuing in the industry after b-school? Or do you have plans for something new? 

Kirill: At the moment I'm working in the energy sector. I'm going to move into project finance in the energy sector after b-school. However, I do hope that b-school will be able to transform my view and change my plans.

Accepted: Can you tell us more about your blog? Who is your target audience? What have you gained from the blogging experience? 

Kirill: My blog is rather new and does not have many posts. But I'm trying to share my experience with other students who are facing challenges in their careers and who are considering the opportunity to risk and make a great investment. If even a single person finds my blog helpful, I will be completely happy.

You can follow Kirill’s story by checking out his blog at MBA, Or There And Back or by connecting with him on LinkedIn. Thank you Kirill for sharing your story with us – we wish you loads of luck!

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Related Resources:

• Top MBA Essay Questions: How to Answer Them Right! [Free Guide]
• How to Think Like A Dean of Admissions [Podcast]
• MIT Master in Finance – Is It the Right Fit for You (and Vice Versa)?

This article originally appeared on

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