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The New GMAT: Integrated Reasoning, pt. 3

Kaplan 0

By Lucas Weingarten

Previously, we looked at Graphic Interpretation and Two-Part Analysis question formats; two of the four new formats GMAT test takers will see in the Integrated Reasoning section poised to hit would-be management grad students in June. In this post, we will continue our new format probe with an examination of Table Analysis questions. For more information on the New GMAT, please visit our dedicated website:
This is from the test maker’s website regarding Table Analysis questions:

“Sort the table to organize the data so you can determine whether certain conditions are met. Each question will have statements with opposing answers (e.g., yes/no, true/false, inferable/not inferable); select one answer for each statement.”

Excelophiles unite! If you are a raving Excel lunatic that just can’t get enough sortable data, then Table Analysis GMAT questions are your new guilty pleasure. Want a taste? Click here for three luscious tables.
As for me, I cannot say I am one of the aforementioned Excel-heads, but I do find these question formats to be kinda fun. As with previously reviewed IR formats, Table Analysis questions borrow heavily from other GMAT question types. In one of the above linked examples, the test taker is asked about three facts that, if true, would or would not help explain some of the information from shown in the table. For those of you with even a modicum of GMAT prep experience, you will easily note that these are an interesting take on strengthen/weaken Critical Reasoning questions.

It is also worth noting that in none of the nine questions (3 questions over 3 tables) that comprise this sample set did I have to engage in any calculations. Rather, my attention to detail and knowledge of a few quantitative concepts was all that was needed.

Finally, I don’t believe I’ve mentioned this before, but in the Integrated Reasoning section of the New GMAT, test takers will have the use of an on-screen calculator—a very surprising move by GMAC. Please do not take this development to mean that test takers will get one of these computation tools on the Quant section, however. All math in those 37 questions must be done in your head, by hand on your noteboards, or avoided all together via critical thinking.

2/29/2012 - Now that all the posts in this series are live, here is a list with links:

~Article provided by the courtesy of Kaplan GMAT