- budget totally screwed. Lots of unexpected expenditures (having never traveled abroad before B-school sucks)
- time management is a pain. LOTS of things happening; wherever you are, you're missing something cool elsewhere.
- being 'second-tier' sucks. I want HBS's 800-pound-gorilla feeling.
- career office is struggling to sell us, but I feel they could do much better job.
- most clubs are totally disorganized.
- some professors are booooooring.
- some classes are too basic - looks like same class at Wharton has a 3 times longer syllabus.
- some classmates are retarded. (just a few though.)
- my study group was full of hardcore 4.0 maniacs.
- my study group was full of hardcore 4.0 maniacs. With some skill, it eases things up.
- LOTS of collaboration and positive attitude. People are incredibly laid-back.
- most people are damn smart. Some are totally razor-sharp.
- looks like MUCH less stress, pain and frustration than other schools.
- most times, I sleep stable 7-8 hours, work out 3 times a week and travel the roundabouts on weekends.
- LOADS of interesting things to learn. Marketing class was awesome.
- LOTS of clubs - which, being quite disorganized, are an excellent opportunity to exercise your leadership skill.
- 5-week break ROCKS! I'm pretty much idling for 2 weeks now, and will idle more.
Overall: if you don't want to stress your a$$ off, West Coast is your spot. The smell of pot is the most characteristic thing about these places, if you know what I mean,
Sounds familiar. A close colleague graduated from Haas in 2002 (worst year imaginable) and still managed to get into GS. Overall he's a modest guy, so when he says he took four day took road trips to Kirkwood and Northstar every other weekend and still managed to pull off a 3.5, I believe him. Indeed, intensity levels here on the west coast are low; lower yet if you study up in the great PacNW