1) I love the people. Everyone is super impressive and down to earth. I'm really glad I chose a school that favored high social skills, since I've heard horror stories from other M7's.
2) Location is great. I went to a big city undergrad school and no one really developed a deep bond with their school. I love the small town feel of Kellogg. Every weekend people are going to hang out with Kellogg students, which definitely builds deep bonds. And Chicago is a 20 minute Uber away, so we can go there if things get boring
3) I love the culture. Between KWEST, CIM, and sections they do a great job to ensure everyone has a group of friends. I've very extroverted, but even introverts are easily able to find friendships
4) Everything is so much cheaper than NYC, and free food is easy to find. The bars are cheap, and even though I party every night, I'm actually UNDER budget.
5) People party a lot here, which I enjoy.
1) Everyone is sick all the time. We flew off the exotic locations and then were stuffed together for orientation, while not sleeping and drinking every night...definitely has created some superbugs.
2) More homework than I expected. I wouldn't say it's hard, but more time intensive than I thought. I will say that, even though I'm busier than I thought I would be, I enjoy it a lot (Something that wasn't true when I was working).
To follow up...after recruiting season and the core classes, homework/busyness drastically decreases. I have a ton of free time now, even though I'm in multiple leadership positions, and go out with friends 4-5 nights week.