After Nixon spent months trying to counter mounting bad press and pressure from his own party, resignation was chosen by him instead of facing the impeachment process.
At first glance, "resignation" should be replaced with "he" and the sentence is currently in passive form, which - of course - is not always wrong. I see "instead of", so there's likely to a be an instead of/rather than split. So let's start eliminating.
A. resignation was chosen by him instead of facing the impeachment process
"Instead of" can only put nouns in parallel. "Facing the impeaching process" is a gerund. "Resignation was..." is a clause and therefore contains a working verb.
B. resignation was chosen instead of impeachment
Again, "instead of" can only put nouns in parallel and "resignation was..." is a clause.
C. resignation was the choice made by him rather than facing the impeachment process
Same problems as above and unnecessarily wordy, which is not usually an excuse I use to eliminate an answer choice.
D. he chose to resign rather than face impeachment
I like the subject placed here after the comma. "Rather than" indicates preference and can put verbs in parallel. Quote:
E. he chose resignation rather than being impeached
"Chose resignation" or "being impeached" should be 'chose resignation instead of impeachment...'