I strongly believe that the community needs the wizard
IanStewart to post "his solution" to this question.
One of the unfortunate consequences of the kudos system on GMAT Club is that solutions that are incorrect can rise to the top of a thread, and then the sheer number of kudos can lead future readers to think the solution is correct. That's true in this thread -- both of the top-voted posts from GMATInsight and "SimplyBrilliant" are mathematically wrong (unless they edit their posts after reading this). Skimming the thread, the two solutions that are correct are, as you'd expect, those from KarishmaB and from nick1816.
Here the percent error of an estimate is taken as
a percentage of the actual value. So if an actual value is 100, and an estimate of that value has less than a 20% error, the estimate is between 80 and 120. The two incorrect solutions at the top of this thread do this backwards -- they take the error as a percentage of the estimate, so they incorrectly conclude that if an estimate is 100, and has less than 20% error, the actual value is between 80 and 120. That's not right -- the actual value in this case is between 83 1/3 and 125. So those solutions make two mistakes, and just get lucky that the two errors compensate for each other and produce the right answer.
Anyway, my solution, which is essentially the same as Karishma's: first, the answer here can really only be A or E, because there's no reason in a pure percent question like this that we'd care about the $40,000 number in Statement 2.
If an actual value is V, and an estimate has less than 20% error, then the estimate is between 0.8V and 1.2V, so it is between (4/5)V and (6/5)V. So in the case where the estimate is as low as possible, the true value is 5/4 of the estimate (because (5/4)(4/5)V = V), and similarly when the estimate is as high as possible, the true value is 5/6 of the estimate.
Using Statement 1 alone, we want to know just how big a percentage of her income her tutoring could represent. So we want to maximize her tutoring income, and minimize her total income. If her estimated total income was T, then, from the above, her total income was greater than (5/6)T. Her estimated tutoring income was 30% of her estimated income, so was 3T/10, and her actual tutoring income was no more than (5/4)(3T/10) = 3T/8. So in the limit case, where she made as much as possible from tutoring as a percentage of her overall income, she made
(3T/8) / (5T/6) = 9T/20 = 0.45T
or 45% of her income from tutoring. Since we have inequalities, but we assumed our values equaled the boundary values, we can actually be sure that less than 45% of her income came from tutoring, and Statement 1 is sufficient.