An innovative filmmaker, Ray Harryhausen's legacy includes bringing realistic dinosaurs and a variety of other gigantic, threatening creatures to the big screen.
A. An innovative filmmaker, Ray Harryhausen's legacy includes
B. The legacy of Ray Harryhausen, an innovative filmmaker, includes
C. Ray Harryhausen is an innovative filmmaker including in his legacy the
D. Included in the innovative filmmaker Ray Harryhausen's legacy are
E. The innovative filmmaker's legacy of Ray Harryhausen includes
Creating a filter: We read the prompt but don't need to go far. When a modifying phrase begins a sentence, set off by a comma, it modifies the subject that comes after the comma, and we should check that the modification that is expressed matches the intended meaning.As written, "an innovative filmmaker" is currently modifying "legacy." "Ray Harryhausen's" is not a noun, since it is possessive. So the sentence is expressing that a filmmaker is a legacy, which is not the intended meaning.
Applying the filter: We look for an answer choice from (B) on that resolves the modification error. All of them do! We'll have to eliminate on other grounds.
Finding objective defects: Choice (B) may be good. Choice (C) is in error because it creates the phrase "the bringing" at the end of the line and the rest of the sentence. Choice (D), similarly, creates the phrase "are bringing," and there is only a singular subject to go with "are." Choice (E) has separated "innovative filmmaker" and "Ray Harryhausen" in a nonsensical way.
The correct answer is (B).