haas is a great school, but pales in comparison to booth especially since the degree you get at the end will be identical to the full time degere.
I'm a little confused by this comment. You're correct in that Booth is ranked a little higher than Haas for the full-time program, however Haas has a higher rank than Booth for the part-time program based on US News and Report's rankings (I personally think Kellogg, Haas, and Booth are all awash in terms of ranking for the part-time program). To clarify any confusion, Haas and Booth both award the same degree as their respective full-time programs.
Based on your profile and long-term plans of being an entrepreneur in the Bay Area, it may make more sense for you to apply to Haas or the Wharton Exec. program. A little aside, I have quite a few classmates that fly in from LA, Seattle, and Portland. Between the flights, group projects, and long hours studying during the first year, I would highly recommend you relocate to where you plan on attending in order to get the most out of the program (many of my classmates at Haas did exactly this due to the difficulty of balancing work, school, and personal affairs). The students who travel each week definitely have it harder than most.
Good luck with your apps, I have a feeling you'll be happy at whichever program you ultimately end up attending.