Competition Mode Question
Citing hard-to-predict sudden changes to the Earth's environment, a panel of advisors has urged the nation to implement an early warning system, conduct further research of threats, and
building a capability to respond to these disruptions.
A. building a capability to respond
B. building a capability that respond
C. building a capability that for responding
D. and build a capability for responding
E. and build a capability to respond
Creating a filter: The basic structure of the sentence is that this "panel has urged the nation to A, B, and C," where A, B, and C are all verbs. In a compound predicate - a list of verbs joined by conjunctions such as "and" - the verbs must all take on parallel form. And they don't: "building" is not parallel with "implement" and "conduct."
Applying the filter: We look for "build" in the answer choices and narrow them down to (D) and (E).
Finding objective defects: Generally, the infinitive wins and the gerund loses, favoring (E). Furthermore, "capability for" is not a proper idiom.
The correct answer is (E).