Everyone knew that if the team’s star player were too badly injured to play in Saturday’s game, the team would lose. Since the team won, the star player must have played.
Which one of the following is most similar in logic to the argument above?
(A) Red spots on the feet are a symptom of a disease called borosis. This patient has green spots on his feet; therefore, he does not have borosis.
(B) If the frost comes late, the farmer has a good crop. Because the frost was late, the farmer must have a good crop.
(C) The instructor in a course ruled that if a student received an A on either the term paper or the final exam, then the student would receive an A for the course. Anne received an A on the term paper and a C on the final exam. Therefore, Anne received an A for the course.
(D) People in driving school realized that if Pete had another auto accident, he would be expelled from the driving school. Pete was not expelled from the driving school. Therefore, he must not have had another auto accident.
(E) If Swenson pays a $100 fine, he will not be expelled from the country club. Because Swenson has not been expelled, he must have paid the fine.